Per our Terms & conditions, you may not use FAMIGO in connection with any product, service, transaction or activity that involves:

  1. Money laundering, transmission or money service businesses;
  2. Pay friends or family, peer to peer;
  3. Age restricted products or services;
  4. Use of pre-paid cards, for payments or deposits, check cashing, wire transfers or money orders;
  5. Bidding fee auctions and collection agencies, currency exchanges or dealers;
  6. Counterfeit goods or any product or service that infringes upon the copyright, trademark or trade secrets of any third party;
  7. Gambling (including but not limited to lotteries, internet gaming, contests, sweepstakes, or offering of prizes as an inducement to purchase goods or services) (exceptions apply in some countries and if you get our prior written approval) or “get rich quick” schemes;
  8.  Drug paraphernalia, marijuana dispensaries, pseudo pharmaceuticals, substances designed to mimic illegal drugs and related businesses;
  9.  Online or other non-face-to-face pharmacies or pharmacy referral services;
  10.  Online or other non-face-to-face tobacco or e-cigarette sales;
  11.  Use of prepaid phone cards, phone services or cell phones (“burners”) or “jail broken” phones;
  12.  Products or services that promote hate, bullying, violence, harassment or abuse;
  13.  Sexually-oriented or pornographic products or services;
  14.  Sharing cardholder’s data with another customer or merchant;
  15.  Sports forecasting or odds making;
  16.  Virtual currency or credits that can be monetized, re-sold or converted to physical or digital goods or services or otherwise exit the virtual world.